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2018-12-19 09:55:01来源:四海网综合


  A advances I otherwise F devising J predators B boundaries G elsewhere K primarily M spotted D currently 35.E determine


  46. What is the focus of the new study from Duke University?

  B) The predictors of children’s academic success.

  47. How did the researchers ensure that their findings are valid?

  A) By attaching equal importance to all possible variables examined.

  48. What do we learn from the findings of the Duke study?

  D) Children’s academic performance may suffer from even slight inattention.

  49. What does the Duke study find about children better accepted by peers?

  A) They do better academically.

  50. What can we conclude from the Duke study?

  C) Social skills are playing a key role in children’s development.

  51. What does the author say about the negative impact of smart-phones?

  C) It is not so obvious but has caused some concern.

  52. What is considered a less obvious advantage of smart-phone technology?

  D) It greatly improves research on human behavior.

  53. What characterizes traditional psychological research?

  B) It relies on lab observations and participants’ reports.

  54.How will future psychological studies benefit individuals?

  A)By helping them pin down their unusual behaviors.

  55.What do we learn about current psychological studies?

  B)They are increasingly focused on real-life situations.



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