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哪吒台词英文翻译笑死人 哪吒经典台词英文翻译汇总

2019-08-20 11:15:26来源:四海网综合

  He was then given the title "Third Lotus Prince" (莲花三太子) after he became a deity.

  Nezha has frequently appeared in Chinese mythology and ancient Chinese literature such as Fengshen Yanyi (or Investiture of the Gods), although the story of Nezha conquering the sea is the most well known among Chinese households.

  In Journey to the West, Nezha was a general under his father, "Pagoda-wielding Heavenly King" Li Jing.

  此外,哪吒从师父太乙真人(Taiyi Zhenren)那里获得了两件重要的武器,风火轮(Wind Fire Wheels)和火尖枪(Fire-tipped Spear)。

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